Meet the Team

Mike Gillett

Harry Sharples
Vice Chairman, Bike Section

David Raymonde
Associate Liaison Officer, Bike Section
I’m the Associate Liaison Officer which means I’m the primary interface with all the new and current Associate Bike Members of BRAM. I liaise with the Associates when they join up, welcome them to the Group and advise what will happen next and give them an approximate timescale for starting the course. Once Observed Rides commence, I provide a weekly Ride Arrangements email, so that Observers and Associates are aware of their “ride partner” on the day.
Joined the IAM in 2011 and passed my advanced test that Autumn. I’m a qualified National Observer and one of the new Observer “Trainers”.

Peter Jeffrey
Secretary, Bike & Car Section
I am the Group Secretary, introducing new Associates, attending and minuting, committee and other meetings.
I have been with the BRAM since August 2021, became Secretary August 2022 and am currently training as a Local Observer for cars. I have become a Member of BRAM to improve my driving standards, help others and promote, pleasurable courteous, safe driving.

Dave Lindley
Dealer Liaison Officer, Bike Section
I’m the Dealer Liaison Officer which means I’m the primary interface into the major bike dealers in our area. We support their open days and ride outs and in return they promote the IAM and hold literature in their dealerships.
Joined the IAM in 2011 and passed my advanced test that summer. I’m a qualified National Observer and passed the Masters with Distinction in November 2021.

Rob Rutherford
Chief Observer, Motorcycles
My role is to co-ordinate, monitor and oversee the Observers and Associates standards across the group. I am responsible for the development and training of all the observers and to ensure they remain fully qualified and competent at their level.
I joined BRAM and passed my advanced test in 2019 then progressed to Local Observer. In 2020 I qualified as a National Observer and on the recommendation of the Area Service Delivery Manger I was appointed as a Local Observer Assessor. I became Chief Observer in December 2021.

Paul Towriss

Richard Law
Chief Observer, Car Section

Brian Lawrence
Social Media Officer, Bike Section
I am the Social Media Officer, looking after Facebook and the website which I am currently looking to update with a members area. This will introduce you to the people on the committee and their roles. I am also looking to add ride out routes with .gpx download files.
I have been with the B.R.A.M since 2020 and joined the committee around a year ago.